Global News Listing

  • Increasing workforce initiatives

    COTA Queensland encourages CHSP Providers to attend the Community of Practice on April 20 as it will provide information on increasing the aged care workforce. Register here.

    Workforce initiatives that may be of interest (note, this is not an exhaustive list):

    • Home Care Workforce Support Program: Skills Hub and Home Care Workforce Sector Hub - Opportunities for networking, capacity building and resources for CHSP and HCP Providers, Find 13,000 home care workers across Australia - HCP.
    • ...
  • Consultation: A new program for in-home aged care discussion paper - Closes 25 November

    A New Program for In-Home Aged Care Discussion Paper is now available, and the department is calling for your feedback through a written submission. This is due by 24 November 2022.

    The Department of Health and Aged Care will also be holding consultation sessions on the discussion paper throughout November. If you would like to participate in a session, please email by Friday 4 November, and note your preference to attend the industry sessions or the...

  • Home Care Workforce Provider and Staff Hub now open!

    We know that many more people are needed in the home care workforce to meet the needs of Australians. We have been contracted by the Australian Government to lead a consortium in Queensland, with our partners Skills Hubs and Skills Generation, to train and recruit large numbers of new personal care workers through the national Home Care Workforce Support Program.

    COTA Queensland’s role in this program is focused on helping to ensure this workforce is equipped and supported to deliver the...

  • The Australian Loneliness Dialogue

    COTA Queensland has been invited to participate in the panel discussion for the Australian Loneliness Dialogue 17 May 2022. This online event is hosted by Friends for Good and sponsored by the Queensland Mental Health Commission and will include a range of national and international speakers. They will be presenting and discussing the impacts of loneliness across the lifespan and for diverse cohorts including impacts on marginalised communities, strategies and approaches, and the...

  • Health Services Inquiry findings report published

    The Health Services Inquiry report was published 8 April 2022 and is now available on the Queensland Parliamentary website.

    COTA Queensland looks forward to reviewing the Health and Environment Committee's report and providing our response through our Health Services Hub in April/May 2022.

  • COTA Queensland's 2022/2023 State Budget priorities

    In light of the recent flood events and the evolving climate of the pandemic, key learnings to date have shown that there have been positive developments at state and federal levels. The recent Federal Budget announcements around cost of living and Federal Government reaffirmation around its commitment and investment to aged care reform, continued investment in home care, respite services, and medication management and safety, are welcomed.

    However, there still needs to be a focus on local...

  • COTA Queensland contributes to the Health Services Inquiry Hearing

    COTA Queensland was recently invited by the Health and Environment Committee to contribute to the Hearing for the Provision of Primary, Allied and Private Health Care, Aged Care and NDIS Care Services and its Impact on the Queensland Public Health System. In our original submission we put forward our vision for an integrated health system throughout the lifespan that places people at the centre of care.

    At the Hearing, COTA Queensland commented on several issues (as raised by the Committee)...

  • COTA Queensland consultation for Budget submission now closed

    COTA Queensland's consultation for the Budget submission has now closed.

    We look forward to providing the finalised budget submission mid-March 2022 through the Budget Hub and on our COTA Queensland website.

  • COTA Queensland Health Services Inquiry submission published

    The COTA Queensland submission for the Inquiry into the Provision of Primary, Allied and Private Health Care, Aged Care and NDIS Care Services and its Impact on the Queensland Public Health System is now published on the Queensland Parliamentary website.

    We would like to thank everyone for their time in sharing their experiences, feedback and insights for this submission.

    COTA Queensland along with other organisations, individuals, local councils, relevant health unions, commissions, and...

  • COTA Queensland’s vision for an integrated health system throughout the lifespan

    COTA Queensland provided a submission 23 December 2021 to the Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry into the provision of primary, allied and private health care, aged care and NDIS care services and its impact on the Queensland public health system. In this submission, we outlined our vision for Queenslanders which is an integrated health system throughout the lifespan that places people at the centre of care.

    This means the health system:

    • Ensures equitable access, no matter a person’s...
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