CHSP Provider Community of Practice Hub

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  • SIRS reminder, Code of Conduct and Aged Care Register of Banning Orders

    Serious Incident Reporting Scheme (SIRS) - All home care providers (including CHSP Providers) needed to have implemented SIRS on 1 December 2022. Please ensure that you are complying with this requirement. Guidance documents are available here.

    Code of Conduct - Staff within RACFs and HCP Providers need to abide by the new Code of Conduct. CHSP Providers are exempt at the moment, though we encourage you to view these documents when you review your procedures, policies and recruitment processes. This will likely be a requirement of staff to abide by when Support at Home Commences on 1 July 2024. View the Code of Conduct documentation here. You can currently register for ALIS courses at no cost - the Code of Conduct Course is available here.

    Aged Care Register of Banning Orders - click here for information and to see the Banning Orders table in force

    The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has a range of tools and powers to deal with behaviour that is inconsistent with the Code of Conduct for Aged Care (the Code), and to respond to providers who fail to take reasonable steps to ensure their workers and governing persons comply with the Code.

    A banning order is a form of enforcement action which prohibits or restricts a person from engaging in, providing or being involved in the provision of aged care. This order may ban a person permanently or for a specified period.

    Banning orders are considered the Commission’s most serious enforcement action in relation to individuals and will therefore only be appropriate for the most serious cases of poor conduct of an individual or when an individual is not suitable to be involved or engaged in aged care.

    We encourage you to cross-reference against the Banning Orders table in force when conducting recruitment.