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  • SIRS (implement 1 December 2022) - SIRS reportable incidents webinar recording available

    Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) for Home Services - Webinar 2 recording is now available.

    Webinar 1 - Introduction to the SIRS: Incident management systems webinar recording and presentation slides

    Webinar 2 - SIRS Reportable incidents webinar recording

    Webinar 3 - Register here - 16 November - Reporting under the SIRS

    Webinar 2, on 3 November 2022, looked at SIRS reportable incidents. In this webinar, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson PSM and a panel of speakers held a discussion about SIRS reportable incidents. This webinar focused on the key differences between SIRS for home services and SIRS in residential aged care services, and the 8 SIRS reportable incident types were discussed. The SIRS from the perspective of aged care recipients was also considered, as were lessons learned over the last 18 months by a provider of both residential aged care and home services.

    SIRS is due to be implemented in home care (including CHSP), 1 December 2022.