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  • Provider and Worker Surveys: Growing the home care workforce

    The Australian Government is funding several organisations and consortia through the Home Care Workforce Support Program (2021-2023). The aim is to attract and train new and existing workers in the home and community aged care sector. Information about the Home Care Workforce Support Program is found here.

    To assist with the evaluation of this program, they are inviting personal care workers and organisations providing care in the home and community to complete a survey.

    For Providers, your responses will help the evaluation team to understand the extent to which the Home Care Workforce Support Program is meeting care provider workforce needs and how it could be improved. The survey should be completed at an organisation level and will take about 10 minutes to complete. To complete the provider survey, click here.

    For personal care workers, the survey aims to find out about what personal care workers do and what they think about their jobs, training and working conditions. This survey is open to all people who are working as or training to provide personal care to older people living at home. This includes people such as personal care workers, allied health assistants and enrolled nurses. Job tasks may include activities such as personal care support, helping with household tasks, transport and going to appointments, grocery shopping and preparing meals, and assisting doctors and therapists to provide support. To complete the personal care worker survey, click here.