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  • Migration of grandfathered clients - update

    Earlier this year, the Department of Health and Aged Care advised that they were undertaking their third and final CHSP data migration exercise to capture all eligible clients who do not have an active client record in My Aged Care and are receiving services. They asked CHSP providers to submit client data by 26 May 2023 so that they could transfer them into My Aged Care.

    We're aware that some CHSP Providers did not complete this task, and still have grandfathered clients. I asked a Government representative recently whether there's an opportunity for Providers who did not complete this task to submit a late application - the response was no.

    The response received from the Department of Health and Aged Care regarding the grandfathering of CHSP clients is as follows. Please ensure that you support Grandfathered clients to go through the My Aged Care process and be assessed so that they are able to continue accessing services and you can continue to be paid for providing services.


    As CHSP has been around since 2015 any clients that do not have a My Aged Care record in 2023 and are receiving CHSP services must have a re-assessment of their needs at which point a My Aged Care record will be created for the client.

    With the new Support at Home program providers will not be able to claim for the services delivered under the new program to clients without a My Aged Care record.

    As service providers are required to report service delivery at the client and service type level in the Data Exchange to inform the performance management of service providers against the key performance indicators in their CHSP Grant Agreements, providers should be:
    • Referring any clients without a My Aged Care record for reassessment
    • Reporting all service delivery on DEX

    COTA Queensland

    Thank you.

    To confirm - there’s no opportunity for Providers who missed the 26 May deadline to provide the information to DoHA. These people are no longer considered grandfathered and to continue receiving CHSP services they need to be reassessed.

    Is that correct?


    This is correct. All clients now receiving services should be registered on My Aged Care – there will be no further opportunity to provide the information.