CHSP Provider Community of Practice Hub

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  • CHSP Volunteer Recruitment and Training Survey

    Fellow Sector Support and Development Providers ACCPA and Eastern Access Community Health (EACH) Sector Support and Development is current surveying CHSP Providers on CHSP Volunteer Recruitment and Training.

    As a sector, we know that recruiting new volunteers, retaining existing volunteers and managing volunteers can be quite challenging. While these Sector Support and Development Providers are based in NSW, they are seeking involvement from CHSP Providers across Queensland. The network of Sector Support and Development Providers is strengthening each day, and the outcomes of this survey will be shared across this network, with the aim of providing more targeted support to CHSP Providers around Volunteer Recruitment and Training.

    This survey aims to explore the possibility of forming partnerships to share these activities across multiple stakeholders and will be summarised into a report. Your feedback will be crucial in helping them improve and expand support efforts.

    This survey will take only a few minutes to complete. Complete the survey here.

    As a reminder, the Department of Health and Aged Care recently released the Guidance handbook for Volunteer Managers in aged care.