Building the Home Care Workforce - Consumer Hub

This is a space for Queenslanders to share their experiences of receiving care and support at home and to share views and ideas for the development of the home care workforce.

We welcome participation by anyone who receives, or has received in-home aged care services, or who is or has been a family carer or care partner for someone receiving these services.

If you are an aged care provider or a care worker we invite you to visit our Hub page for porviders and staff.

If you are interested in contributing in another capacity, please get in touch using the Contact Us form below. We also invite you to share the page with anyone you know who may be interested in contributing.

A sustainable, well-functioning, responsive care sector plays an important role in wellbeing as we age and ensuring we can live lives filled with possibility and opportunity.  

We know that many more people are needed in the home care workforce to meet the needs of Australians. We have been contracted by the Australian Government to lead a consortium in Queensland, with our partners Skills Hubs and Skills Generation, to train and recruit these people, through the Home Care Workforce Support Program. 

However, it is not enough to bring more trained workers into the workforce. COTA Queensland’s role in the Home Care Workforce Support Program is focused on helping to create a skilled workforce and care provider organisations that are equipped to deliver the consistently high quality, responsive, person-centred support consumers deserve.  

This Engagement Hub page is a space for you to share your experiences, views, and ideas to support the development of the home care workforce we need.

Opened: 28/09/2022

Home Care Workforce Consumer and Carer Hub now open!

As part of our work with the Home Care Workforce Support Program, we have been exploring with a range of stakeholders what makes good home care, what supports high-quality person-centred care, and what will be needed to provide the right supports around the huge increases in staff that will be needed.

We have been collecting lived experiences of the impact receiving support at home can have on a person’s quality of life and that of their family as well as gathering the latest research in the many factors which contribute to attraction and retention in the workforce.

We would love to hear from you - there are lots of ways you can get involved:

- Complete the survey

- Join the conversation via the Community Chat tab

- Share your ideas on the Ideas wall

- Use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the Hub page to reach out to us directly with any comments, questions, or ideas.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.

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What does great care and support look like to you?

Please note that your responses on this chat forum are viewable by other members of the public.

COTA Queensland
Published On
 Thu, 25 Aug 2022
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What is an example of great care making a positive difference in your life?

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COTA Queensland
Published On
 Thu, 25 Aug 2022
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What is one thing you would want a new care worker to hear before they come to support you at home?

Please note that your responses on this chat forum are viewable by other members of the public.

COTA Queensland
Published On
 Thu, 25 Aug 2022
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What does "person-centred" care mean to you?

Please note that your responses on this chat forum are viewable by other members of the public.

COTA Queensland
Published On
 Thu, 01 Sep 2022
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Idea Wall

Do you have an idea about how more people could be attracted to work in home care? Share it here!

Please note that your responses on this idea wall are viewable by other members of the public.

Do you have an idea for how the home care workforce can be better trained and supported? Share it here!

Please note that your responses on this idea wall are viewable by other members of the public.