Health services in Queensland

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  • COTA Queensland contributes to the Health Services Inquiry Hearing

    COTA Queensland was recently invited by the Health and Environment Committee to contribute to the Hearing for the Provision of Primary, Allied and Private Health Care, Aged Care and NDIS Care Services and its Impact on the Queensland Public Health System. In our original submission we put forward our vision for an integrated health system throughout the lifespan that places people at the centre of care.

    At the Hearing, COTA Queensland commented on several issues (as raised by the Committee) such as palliative care, GP availability and accessibility, vaccination roll out (and elements of elder abuse), and a person-centred approach to health.

    COTA Queensland was pleased with the investment that had been made in palliative care in recent budgets; however, further investment was required, which would not only take pressure off the public health system (including hospital beds), but importantly, would enable people to die well and in their own homes.

    We highlighted the lack of availability of GPs in residential aged care facilities, using examples of when people struggled to connect to GP services on behalf of their loved ones who were in residential aged care.

    We also drew attention to the current roll out of the booster vaccinations and how this echoed the initial slow roll out of the vaccinations last year. In some instances, this linked back to (potential) elder abuse, where people in residential aged care have not been vaccinated or fully vaccinated, and some of these decisions were not made by the individual themselves, but by their family. This places the spotlight on the importance of accurate and up to date health information and the role of Enduring Power of Attorneys (EPoAs) in relation to an individual’s health and wellbeing.

    We also spoke about a person-centred approach to health care and making it the norm. We need to encourage older adults to continue to be well informed and identify solutions and work in a partnership with their health professional.

    Thank you for your contributions to the Health Services Inquiry Hub.

    You can view the COTA Queensland Hearing session or read the transcript of the Hearing at the Queensland Parliamentary website.

    We look forward to sharing the findings from the Inquiry report, which is due to be released 31 March 2022.